Monday, January 8, 2007


A month before Christmas, my family and I decided on a big responsibility. Nope. I was not having another baby. We bought a dog. To be exact, its a toy poodle (it looks like a toy thus the name). We named her Chula (She's the nth dog with that name coming from a long line of dogs with the same name from my wife's family).

Since this is the first time that I seriously owned a dog, I went to the internet and find out what to do as a responsible pet owner. One of the things mentioned there was that I need to give my dog some time of recreation and exercise. I need to walk my dog.

For about two months that I have him, I was not able to walk Chula. I mean bringing her to the park or anywhere. I got quite busy with a lot of things especially that Christmas was around the corner.

As of this writing, Christmas has passed and I have some time on my hands. So I decided what I should have done in the longest time: I walked my dog. I took her out of our condo and we started walking around the community.

But as I walking Chula, I felt good. Not just because I was able to do something I've been planning to do for the longest time, but I had some alone time. My dog was doing her business while I start reflecting. It was both relaxing to take a walk and even have a conversation with God. The walk took about 30 minutes. And was it a good 30 minutes.

When I went home, Chula was "dog tired" and took some big lapses of water from her bowl.
I found her more cheerful and active afterwards. She was more responsive to me and showed more care to her master. We had some time to bond.

The article said that walking your dog is good. But what it didn't mention was that it was also good for the master. It was good for me as well. Not only did I have some exercise but I also had some personal time. Personal time is good especially when you're drowning in a pool of busyness.

So take time walking your dog. If you don't have one, take time walking by yourself. The dog needs it for exercise. You need it to recharge.

Take a walk today.

(Now Get one and pass).

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